A fractional laser is a great opportunity for every woman to keep her skin youthful and supple. Modern medicine, and especially cosmetology does not stand still and every year more and more interesting and effective tools for facial rejuvenation appear. The huge popularity of fractional laser rejuvenation is due to the fact that it allows you to remove the signs of skin aging without significant damage to the skin and, accordingly, with a minimum rehabilitation period.
When treating the skin surface area with a conventional laser, the spot shape of the falling spot is a solid flat spot. Moreover, depending on the parameters of the laser apparatus for rejuvenation, the laser beam can penetrate the skin at different depths and have a completely different effect. But, nevertheless, the general regularity of the flat distribution of the laser spot is that a significant portion of the treated area is exposed to thermal exposure. When a fractional laser (sometimes also called a pixel laser) is exposed to the skin, a column of rays falls on the skin, which creates a special matrix of microdamage or MTZ (microthermal zones). As a result, the degree of skin damage is significantly reduced, because microdamages occupy 2-3% of the area, of the entire area of the treated area and the degree of regeneration and return to active life in patients occurs much faster. The cells of the epidermis that are not affected by microbeams after the procedure intensively divide, in parallel, the processes of neocollagenesis and the formation of elastin are induced, which provide elasticity and a fresh look.
To choose and buy a fractional laser, you need to pay attention to several significant factors.
1)First of all, carefully study the general characteristics of the fractional apparatus, namely energy, power, frequency of operation, etc. These parameters characterize the system as a whole, namely its power, speed and other factors that are very important for the doctor.
2)Then it is worth stopping at the type of fractional medical laser. Generally speaking, all fractional lasers, they are divided into ablative and non-ablative. Ablation pixel lasers (Er: YAG laser or CO2) cause more substantial damage to the skin, so the rehabilitation process is a bit slower than when using non-ablation lasers (neodymium lasers). However, when treating diseases such as post-acne, stretch marks, etc., using the pixel technique, ablation techniques show better results.
3)The distance between the columns, the depth of the MTZ. These parameters fully characterize the properties of the fractional packing itself. The optimal distance between the MTZ points is a distance of 0.5-1mm. As for the penetration depth of the laser “columns,” the best option is to use the volume distribution of the MTZ, as implemented in the 3dPixel LASEST manipulator. In this case, a network of microdamages is created not in one plane, but in a bulk layer about 1-1.5 mm thick, which significantly increases the efficiency of cell regeneration.
The main advantages of fractional lasers include: