Recently, the use of lasers for the treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy among gynecologists has become increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that the laser has characteristics due to which there is a regenerative, both ablative and non-ablative laser photothermal effect, which stimulates the active restoration of the mucous and submucous layer of the vagina, and also normalizes the relief and moisture of the mucous membrane. For the treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy with a laser, the company “LasMedTech” has developed a Dual Gentle Gynecology nozzle, which includes a set of interchangeable mirrors, special applicators-dilators and graduated rotary mechanisms for convenient and safe work of gynecologists. You can buy the LASEST vulvovaginal intimate laser directly at our head office in Moscow, or from our distributors. Delivery, training, a special software package for recording procedures is included in the price of laser device LASEST.