Laser for osteortrosis treatment

Laser therapy is an effective adjuvant treatment for arthrosis of the joints. Numerous studies confirm that the laser for the treatment of osteoarthritis promotes new cell regeneration and tissue repair.

Numerous clinical studies show that the medical laser for the treatment of osteoarthritis Nd: YAG Arthro has a biostimulating effect on the damaged cells of biological tissues in osteoarthritis. The biostimulating effect of the Arthro LASEST Nd: YAG laser for the treatment of osteoarthritis has a high degree of specificity and depends on various radiation parameters (mJ, sec, Hz), which are carefully selected in the LASEST medical protocols and are confirmed by a number of positive tests in medical centers. To stimulate the process of cell proliferation, the qualitative characteristics of Nd: YAG Arthro radiation (frequency and time of exposure) are more important than the total amount of energy; in addition, laser radiation in the treatment of ostearthrosis reactivates the pharmacologically blocked tyrosine kinase pathway. Therefore, in tissues with a blocked metabolic pathway that have undergone degeneration, radiation restores the anabolic phase of metabolism and homeostasis.

The using of a wide range of handpieces for physiotherapy procedures.
The shortest switching time between different procedures and techniques (several seconds) during the procedure.
The ability to maintain individual databases of patients and doctors with a complete history of treatment.
The using of various profiles of the output spot during the procedure, including Flat Spot and 3D Pixel.
Clinical Results
APPLICABLE Laser Modules